by | Sep 17, 2020 | Market Reports
Market report July-August 2020Day 28.08.2020 * Reading time: 10min. Market report July-August 2020 Decided to start the summer season report with a closer look at the technology stocks sector, about which also wrote in July. The rise in tech stocks appears to be...
by | Sep 17, 2020 | Investment Strategies
Tech stocks are in fashionDay 24.07.2020 * Reading time: 10min. Tech stocks are in fashion In the past, tech stocks were not considered defensive investments. As the virus crisis has...
by | Sep 17, 2020 | Market Reports
Market report June 2020day 30.06.2020 * Reading time: 10min. Market report June 2020 Global stock markets surged in the second quarter, fueled by stimulus measures and progress in fighting the virus. Investors face new threats in the third quarter, businesses and...
by | Sep 17, 2020 | Investment Strategies
Are we dealing with Pavlovian markets in the equity markets?day 23.06.2020 * Reading time: 5min. Are we dealing with Pavlovian markets in the equity markets? Historically, Wall Street has tended to respond positively to...
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